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  • Where can I park my car?
    Please check the parking zone in your area. You may need to pay for parking or obtain a resident parking permit from KVR. You can also check with us to see if there is an underground parking or backyard parking zone available.
  • Can I cancel my contract and move out earlier?
    We do have contracts which last 6 months. You have a 3-month- cancelation period. If you cancel after 3 months, you will leave the apartment after 6 months.
  • When is the quite period in Munich?
    Please observe the quiet period (by law) from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. TV and music are only allowed at room volume. No disturbances are allowed after 10 p.m. Do not use the washing machine from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. On Sundays there should not be any disturbance between 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • How can I apply for a room?
    Directly via our website.
  • Is there a common room that all residents can use?
    Most shared flats have their own common rooms and kitchen. Please check your individual flat.
  • How does life in a shared flat work? Do the residents also do anything together?
    Our residents have movie nights together, go out together, make excursions. The residents organise everything themselves.
  • Can I rent the room without a tour?
    Of course, we have video call to discuss everything in detail.
  • Will there be any other costs?
  • How about a visit? Can I have any visitors, and can they stay overnight?
    We have nothing against occasional visitors, even if they stay overnight. But please inform your roommates about your visitors and how long they will stay. As long as your roommates are totally fine with it, it is OK with us too. Note: Oktoberfest Special Guest Rules During Oktoberfest, please remember that you live in a co-living space. Inform your flatmates about any guests you plan to have during this time and ensure your apartment is not overcrowded. You are responsible for any damages caused by your guests, and the associated costs will be your obligation.
  • Do you also know the residents from the other shared flats?
    4mates is a community, so nobody will stay alone for long. You have your roommates and at regular events you will connect with the roommates from other flats.
  • I am interested in the cheapest and smallest room. Can I please rent one of these?
    That depends on availability. We do not have rooms for rent in all categories every month.
  • What if I don’t get along with my flatmates, can I change the shared flat?
    For a lump sum of 100 € and exclusively at next availability. Barely needed anyway since our staff is keeping an eye on matching an awesome blend of people in each flat.
  • What costs are included in the rent?
    The price is all-inclusive: - electricity - heating - Wi-Fi - GEZ (yes, that's a German thing) - waste water fee - garbage fee - all other additional cost If you want to compare prices with other rooms or a single apartment: As a rule of thumb, you can add 200-250 € per month to the rent of a single apartment for the additional cost. Sounds a lot, we know, but the little things add up. Here is a rough calculation: Your landlord will give you the additional cost, which should be around 100-150 €. These costs do not include electricity, Wi-Fi, GEZ which will be around 100 € for a single person apartment.
  • Do I have to cancel my contract?
    Yes, with a simple e-mail.
  • When is the first rent and deposit to be paid?
    On the 1st of the month of moving in, even if you move into your room at a later date. For guests coming from abroad, we must insist on the first rental payment at the time of signing the contract to have security.
  • How does the rental process work?
    You will find out all this in a personal call that we will conduct after your application. Provided you are a suitable applicant.
  • Do I have to pay a deposit?
    Yes, the deposit is 2,000 € flat for each room. Your deposit will be transferred approximately 6-8 weeks after you move out.
  • How long can I stay in the apartment?
    As long as you like.
  • Can I also register at the 4mates address?
    No problem at all. We even ask you to do that and give you the required forms.
  • Can we stay together in one room?
    Unfortunately, each room may only be occupied by one person.
  • Why do you have different room prices?
    We have different room sizes and correspondingly adjusted rental prices.
  • What kind of residents do you have?
    4mates is a perfect community of international and German academics, students, young professionals, aged 20-30 years.
  • CRACK: I found a crack, what do I need to do?
    All types of cracks in the shower, ceramic hob, and sink must be reported immediately. If the damage is caused by a tenant due to a dropped item, the associated costs must be covered by the tenant or their liability insurance. Please send a damage report promptly.
  • WASHING MACHINE: I have trouble with the washing machine. What can I do?
    When you have an error code, please google the code first. There are a plenty of youtube do-it-yourself instructions. Try this first when it´s a small issue. When your mashine has a bigger problem, please send a damage report with a video what shows exact the problem and what includes a picture of the sticker with the type and serialnumber. Error code E18: Please clean the dust filter thoroughly. Already a small coin can cause this error code. Check also the tube of the washing mashine whether it´s free. Sometimes a sock blocks the tube. Remove all foreign articels. To call a service guy for the error code 18 are lot of costs. This costs will be forwarded to the WG since this code is not a technical error, it´s a using issue and can be solved by youselve Water is coming up in the sink when using the washing machine: Please use a drain cleaner or a pipe cleaning spiral, your pipe of the sink is clogged. Door does not open: Please try the emergency release in the dust filter. There is a crank, you cannot see it but feel it. Please push the crank right/left or up/down to release the door! Please simply disconnect from the power supply, wait briefly and reconnect. Then select the short program or simply spin if the wash cycle has already finished If the problem is due to incorrect use or inadequate care of the inventory or the washing machine itself, the tenants are liable for the damage. In this case, the tenants bear the costs of the repair.
  • INTERNET: My internet connection does not work as intended.
    All right. internet is important, we understand that. There might be 2 critical factors, what is broken about the internet: speed or stability. First, we need to collect some data about the two factors, to see what's wrong. Speed: Please go to This is a public service, which measures the download and upload speed of you connection. Please make a screenshot of the speed you measured. Stability: Sometimes stability is the problem rather than speed. Please go to and let it run in the background for a while. With this profile, we will detect if the internet is not stable. Please make a screenshot of the stability you measured. Please send us the screenshots through our regular maintenance and repair form.
  • VENTILATION: The ventilation is not working. Should we fix it?
    If the ventilation in your bathroom or toilet is not working, please send a damage report immediately. Failure to inform us about this issue can lead to bigger problems, such as mold.
  • WOHNUNGSGEBERBESTÄTIGUNG: How do I get the Wohnungsgeberbestätigung for my registration?
    Please request the necessary form by emailing
  • POSTBOX: Can I put my name on the postbox?
    No, only the name that is written in your contract is allowed on your postbox.
  • HOT WATER: Hot water is not working as it should?
    Please check with your neighbours in your building if they have the same warm water problem. If so, please contact the janitor of the building. You will find the contact details in the hallway near the front door.
  • DOORBELL: Your doorbell is very quiet or no longer works?
    Please call the building's Hausmeister. You can find the phone number in the hallway near the main entrance door.
  • FRIDGE: What to do if the fridge has water in it or is leaking?
    Check if the small hole in the back wall is clear. This hole is important for circulation. If it is clogged or dirty, the refrigerator cannot cool properly, causing water to accumulate or leak. If the fridge door does not close properly, clean the rubber seal and try closing it again. If the door stays closed for a few seconds and then opens on its own, a new seal may be needed. If you need a new seal, please send a damage report. If you put hot food in the fridge, the steam will create moisture and cause the fridge to leak. Never put hot meals or pots in the fridge.
  • LEAK: Water is leaking anywhere. What are the next steps for me?
    If water is coming into your room or appartment (e.g. after a heavy rain), please take pictures and inform us immediately by sending a damage report.
  • AIR CONDITIONER: My room is too warm. Do I have an air conditioner?
    During hot nights in the summer season, feel free to buy a fan or an A/C for your room. We do not offer air-conditioned apartments. To keep your room cool, open your window in the morning to refresh the air. Then close the window completely to prevent warm air from entering and lower your blinds or shutters.
  • ELECTRICITY: The electricity is out in the entire apartment. How can we fix it?
    The electricity is out in the whole apartment. First, check your fuse box to see if the main power switch is still on. Determine if the outage is only in your apartment or the entire building by checking if the hallway lights are working. If the entire building is affected, wait a bit as it might be a temporary issue with local energy provider (e.g. SWM). If the outage persists, please call the Hausmeister for your building and send a damage report. Please note: Keep the fridge door closed. The fridge can keep your food cold for 6-8 hours if the door remains shut.
  • WATER PRESSURE: We experience low water pressure
    Please check first whether the problem only exists with one tap. In this case, regardless of whether it is just the shower, washbasin or sink, please descale the shower head or the aerators first. This must be done by the tenant at regular intervals of approx. 4 months. Consequential damage caused by improper maintenance of the fittings provided is also at the tenant's expense. If the problem suddenly occurs in the whole apartment, ask your neighbors in the building if they have the same problem. If the problem is only in one room, please send a damage report.
  • CLEANING: How do I get my room or appartment cleaned?
    You can schedule a cleaning service for your room at any time at your own expense (which might be particularly helpful before check-out). You also have the option to arrange a full apartment cleaning at your own expense. To book a service online, you can visit this site: Helping We can also recommend this company: Corpedia Tel.: +49 15202056636 E-Mail:
  • DRAINAGE: A drain is clogged. What should I do?
    If your drain is clogged, please clean it carefully and pour hot water in it. If that is not helping buy LIQUID (!) drain cleaner from the common cash of your WG and pour it into the clogged drain.
  • GEZ: Where do I find the GEZ number?
    The GEZ number can be found in your MOVE-IN e-mail (sent before your move in). Please search your in box for GEZ.
  • MICROWAVE: Microwave is not working. What can I do?
    For any issues or technical problems with your microwave, please send a damage report.
  • OVEN: I have a problem with the oven. Can you help?
    The bulb is not working: Please replace it. The oven is not heating: Please send a damage report.
  • HEATING: What to do when the heating is not working?
    The heating period is from October 1st to March 31st. The heating does not operate during the summer months. If your heating does not work during the winter period, please check first with your neighbours in your building if they have the same heating problem. If so, please contact the janitor of the building. You will find the contact details in the hallway near the front door. If not, please send a damage report.
  • MOLD: I / we have mold. How can I report it?
    As a tenant, you are required to inform us immediately if you notice mold in your apartment. Please send a damage report.
  • BULB: A bulb is not working anymore? Do you fix it for me?
    Bulbs are consumables, please buy a new one from the common cash of the WG. You can find the type what you need written on the old bulb. If the fuse is in and the new bulb does not work either, please send a damage report.
  • DOOR LOCK: My door lock is broken. How can I fix it?
    Your door lock of your room works no more? Send a damage report:
  • DISH WASHER: You have an error code and it´s no more working?
    If you encounter an error code, please search for it on Google first. There are plenty of DIY instructions available on YouTube. Try these solutions first if it’s a minor issue. If your dishwasher has a more significant problem, please fill out the damage report, including a picture of the sticker with the model and serial number: If the issue is due to misuse, the costs will be forwarded to all tenants of the apartment.
  • WINDOW: I cannot open my window. How will this be fixed?
    Please send a damage report.
  • SHOWER: Our shower head is not working, what can we do?
    If the shower head is broken: Please buy a new one using the common cash of the WG. You can purchase any similar type. This is considered a minor repair. If the slide bar is broken: Please buy a new one using the common cash of the WG. You can purchase any similar type. This is also considered a minor repair.
  • KETTLE: Kettle is not working? What can I do?
    Please send a damage report.
  • INTERNET: Wi-Fi is not working. What next?
    Please send a damage report.
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